The Problem With Men Is…
I was told recently that men, (not, man, as in mankind but men as in men) have a tendency to only do the minimum required of them.
I don’t know how much I agree with that statement but I do know that I have a tendency of doing whatever I can to get what I want but then I forget I need to maintain it… Can I get an “amen”?
Think about it… how often do we, as guys, bust our backs to get an accomplishment (or a lady) without realizing that the accomplishment (relationship) is only the first step?
On the app I use to track my times while mountain biking, there is a title for being the fastest one to the top: King of the Mountain.
Once you earn the title of King of the Mountain suddenly everyone is gunning for you! They all want what you have.
Same with your woman; she’s an awesome woman and, guess what? Once you have her you have to keep her…
Are you King of the Mountain? You’d better keep on training.
You have an awesome woman? You’d better keep pursuing her.
There is no exception to this and the greater the prize the more you have to work to keep it.
You won this battle but there will be another one eventually. And because of that you have to constantly be training — running, sprinting, lifting weights, flipping tractor tires, doing one-armed pushups, chugging raw eggs for dessert, shadow boxing, doing box jumps, and the list goes on.
If you get lazy, complacent, start drinking beer and eating cupcakes all day, you’ll start to get weak.
You get exhausted faster.
You get slower.
Your muscles weaken.
Your technique and power will fade.
And then, eventually, you’ll lose your title, your pride, and self-respect to some punk who’s been putting in the time while you’ve been slacking.
Here’s the rub… it doesn’t apply to your standing with God, He’s gonna love you no matter what… but it does apply to your impact for the kingdom.
The author of Hebrews puts it this way:
Since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us!
The early disciples were all about being King of the Mountain.
Their lives were devoted to making the biggest impact for the kingdom of God that they could.
What are you devoted to?
Next month being February and everyone focusing on love, it’s the perfect time to talk about the love God has for us and how that is the only foundation for anything we do in the kingdom of God. The newsletter goes to the printer in a few short days.
Go here to get your copy at the discounted beta price:
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