
Today we dive deep into the abyss of madness that is the Sacred Name Movement. To be honest I’ve been having a lot of trouble writing this blog because I know that most people will never need to read it. The only reason for writing it is to cover all the bases and make sure we don’t leave any room for these false teachings to progress.

Now, I’m not against conspiracy theories by any means; I just think most of them are not as well founded as people would like them to be. I don’t believe in Nessie (although I really want to) and while I believe Roswell was a cover-up… I don’t believe it was aliens.

In the same way, while I see what the Sacred Name people are saying, I can’t agree with their conclusions.

A few quotes from Sacred Name websites:

“Jesus” – A False Name Proving Christianity Intentionally Follows Error Instead of Truth

the false Greek name for Messiah,Iesous, is pronounced identically to the name of the Ionic Greek goddess of healing, Ieso and that Iesous may be a masculine equivalent.

Now I know better, because YAHUVEH gave me a Holy Prophecy saying the Messianic Jews didn’t want to offend the Jews, so they use the name Yeshua instead of teaching the name YAHSHUA or YAHUSHUA. (Orthodox Jews think you’re taking the LORD’s name in vain if you use the name YAH).

Most Messianic Jewish believers in YAHUSHUA are taught to spell the Name of our MESSIAH as Yeshua. The name Yeshua does not contain the name of ABBA YAHUVEH. How does the name Yeshua, glorify YAH? YAH is short for YAHUVEH (which can be spelled YAHWEH). The name YAH is in the Bible so it is backed up with the Holy Scriptures.

and finally this one:

Question: When you use the Hebrew Sacred Name of YAHUSHUA, are you still praying to JESUS CHRIST, the only begotten Son of YAHUVEH?YES, of course! However, remember we are also warning you now to learn the true Hebrew Sacred Name of our MESSIAH because if you are here during the Great Tribulation your prayers will only be heard when you use the name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH or YAHSHUA ha MASHIACH, because the antichrist will be claiming the name JESUS CHRIST.

As you can see there is a belief that there has been a conspiracy to keep people from saying the “proper” name of Messiah. This conspiracy is based on the desire to hide God’s holy name.

The Kernel of Truth

It is true that the name יהוה or YHWH, has a very old tradition amongst the Jews which forbids speaking YHWH. During the middle ages, Jewish scribes (the Masoretes) devised a Hebrew vowel-pointing system (those dots and dashes beneath and around Hebrew letters) to indicate how words should be properly pronounced. This system includes the practice of using the vowel points from אֲדֹנָי, ’Adonai (meaning Lord or Master, and is pronounced Ah-doe-nigh) any time the name YHWH is used. This way, whenever a reader encountered יְהֹוָה, he would be reminded to say Adonai instead.

The issue concerning the name Yeshua and the manufactured “Yahshua” or “Yahushua” (and so on) presses this “conspiracy” even further.

It Goes Like This

In addition to hiding the name YHWH, the Masoretes further perpetrated a plot to obscure its pronunciation by purposely mis-pointing other names that begin with the first three letters of YHWH (יהו), such as יֵהוּא, Yehu (Jehu), יְהוּדָה, Y’hudah (Judah), and, most notoriously, יְהוֹשׁוּעַ, Y’hoshua (Joshua).

According to the conspiracy theorists, Y’hoshua, should actually be “Yahushua” (or some other variant). Since יֵשׁוּעַ,Yeshua is related to Y’hoshua/Joshua and Yeshua came “in the Father’s name” (a distorted use of John 5:43), it should really be “Yahshua” (or some other variant). This, of course, questions the credibility of the entire vowel-pointing system and we have no reason to trust the pronunciation of other forms of YHWH as in names like יְשַעְיָהוּ, Y’sha’yahu (Isaiah) and יִרְמְיָהוּ, Yir’m’yahu (Jeremiah).

This leaves 2 options for the conspiracy theorists:

1. The Masoretes changed some of the names but didn’t think to change them all.


2. The Masoretes were true to the pronunciations of the names even when they contained the “sacred name.”

The conspiracy theorists can’t have it both ways.

I honestly don’t care if people say Yeshua’s name is “Yahushua.” It makes little difference. If they want to continue using a mistransliteration that was erroneously contrived by early Sacred Name teachers who didn’t know Hebrew, I’m ok with that. I know the changing of an “ahu” sound for an “e” sound doesn’t matter to the Lord.

What does matter is the spreading of the false accusations that those who use Yeshua or Jesus are praying to a false God or even the anti-Christ. Those are the types of accusations we must be prepared to stand against and not allow to spread in our congregations.

[reminder]Are there any other parts of the Sacred Name teachings you have questions about or feel should be covered?[/reminder]