An Impossible Command
I was on a roof all day today.
It was a beautiful day with a nice breeze. It was quiet and I was left alone with my thoughts.
Even my phone died half way through the day. (I can’t wait until this whole cell phone fad is over and I’m not expected to have it on me all the time)
I was thinking about the command of Christ in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
I was thinking about how impossible that seems to me.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around changing a city… If I’m honest, I don’t even have faith for that yet.
My faith is enough for my block, maybe my community and that’s where I will begin.
Christ told us that if we are faithful with what He has given us then we will receive more (Matt 25:28). It’s time for me to be faithful with the little.
I’m sure by the time I’ve changed my community and my neighborhood I’ll have the faith to change my city.
That’s how faith works!
Rarely will you raise the dead before you’ve healed the sick.
It takes time and diligence for that mustard seed to grow but it will…
Remember this:
If you don’t think your vision is impossible, it’s too small.
If you know exactly how you are going to accomplish your dreams… they are too small.
The more impossible your dreams are to accomplish the more you will need to rely on God to make it happen.
Only God could require us to disciple nations because no man would think it was a possibility.
If you’d like to take part in our outreach and as we begin to disciple our community and reaching souls for His kingdom go to – – to help support the outreach efforts as we step out to change this city.