Today was another hot day working out in the sun… Perhaps that’s why I’m a little fired up right now. I’ve been thinking a lot about the anointing lately and I can’t help but think about how powerless so much …
Have I ever told you about the time we met a demon-possessed man on the bus? It was during our first mission trip to Nicaragua. He was the second demoniac we encountered that week. The first one manifested the first night …
Here’s something you may enjoy: One of the things I’ll be teaching about in the upcoming newsletter — — is how many ways the anointing of Holy Spirit changes your life. I give Biblical examples along with where to find them …
So I think I may have been out in the sun a bit too long today. If my thoughts seem a bit scattered today please forgive me. ? I was thinking of doing a quick Q & A session today. First …
It was probably about 13 years ago… I had just recently returned to the Lord. My church at the time was hosting a winter retreat for the college/young adults group. I remember all my friends talking about what they were going …
I’ve missed writing to everyone the past couple months but I’ve been working long and hard and we’ve been saving up to buy a house! We’ve been looking at a couple places within our price range (which right now isn’t …
What if I told you I could change your life from the life you have to the life you want in just a few short minutes? I can and my part in that change is simple… it’s you who will …
I was out mountain biking the other day and guess what? I got poison oak… ? It’s been so long since I got it I figured I wasn’t allergic to it anymore… I was wrong. My condition has me thinking …
I’m not even sure how long it’s been since I’ve written but to be fair I also don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve visited my Mom… Unfortunately, there are times in life where sacrifices have to be made …
This morning I’m feeling pretty inspired and I’m just gonna come out swinging… Do you have a promise from God that you have not seen come to pass? Are you waiting in faith for something to happen but still see …