Not Another New Years Email!
It’s New Years Day – and we’ve just started 2017.
And the last thing you need is yet another email talking about goals. Or resolutions.
So I won’t give that to you.
Here’s what I’ll tell you as the New Year begins.
You are good enough.
Past sins, guilt, shame…
Blah, blah, blah.
None of that matters and none of that will affect you in the long run once you get your head right.
Instead of negative self-talk like, “I’m such a failure”. You will say, “I’m a child of the most high God”.
It’s in the past, my friend. It’s in the rear-view. That’s not you.. not anymore.
Now, of course, just looking in the mirror and repeating “I am good enough” like some new age hippie doesn’t work.
You must take action. Consistent, inspired, Holy Spirit powered action.
You smile. You think about your loved ones. You think about all the lives you’ll change. And you take action.
Maybe it’s a new commitment to personal holiness… or daily prayer…
Or reading some classic books by world-changing believers… or a daily bible study… Or praying for the next 5 sick people you come across… Or scripture memorization.
Whatever it is. Whatever your thing is, you keep doing it – and you keep doing it with a huge smile on your face.
Even when you gain traction and the enemy comes… don’t stop moving forward and don’t stop smiling.
Because you’re no longer a victim.
Because you’re on a mission.
Because you’re here to make an impact.
2017 is here, my friend. And this is your year.. if you want it.
Go get it!
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