Praying In The Promise
The past two weeks have been stressful.
When I say stressful I mean… emotional rollercoaster wife breaking down into tears stressful.
Why, you ask?
Because the loan company we used lost its biggest investor and is currently imploding.
As a result, we’ve been jumping through hoop after hoop to get the loan for our house. What should have been a simple transaction has now been drawn out way longer than it should have.
Vanessa has been a trooper through it all but she’s at the end of her rope. I wish there were more I could do but with my work schedule the best I can do is be there for her at the end of the day.
Last night I had a thought, it must have been Holy Spirit because I don’t usually think this way even though I probably should.
He told me to pray and release the angels of provision and finance so that they could bring in the funds we need.
So last night, before bed, that’s what I did. I took Vanessa’s hand and prayed.
This morning another thought came to mind… it was a picture of the angel fighting the “prince of Persia.” (Daniel 10:10)
This got me thinking, “Well, I’ve released the angels perhaps I should rebuke the enemy also…”
So simple right?
Christ has given us authority over all rulers, authorities, powers of this world’s darkness, and over the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Since we have that authority we are fools if we don’t use it.
What promises have you been waiting for?
Make a list and pray them in releasing the angelic and rebuking the enemy.
I’m looking forward to some good news today and I can’t wait to hear what God does once you being to use your God given authority to pray in your promises.
P.S. We are preparing to start weekly outreach meetings to reach the lost and hurting in our new community. To take part in the outreach and help win some souls go to – – to help with the mission.