Why I Take Action
It seems like as soon as I began working on this training series for spiritual warfare everything has just been difficult. It’s like I’m walking uphill in the mud.
It’s like all of a sudden every little critter in the area has turned its attention to me.
It seems as if I’ve lost all motivation for anything other than watching TV… and I don’t even like watching TV…
It’s times like this when you need to truly remember your “why.” If you do not have a great reason beyond yourself to do something then you will never be able to accomplish anything great.
Every time I want to sit back and turn on Netflix I have to remember what it is that is driving me. Why I am doing what I’m doing.
What is that reason you ask? I want to change the world…
That’s vague Andre what do you mean by that? I want to change the face of Christianity in one generation…
Sounds like fluff Andre… make it practical:
I was created to show God’s people the reality of the supernatural world and the supremacy of God’s kingdom!
There it is… that’s my “why.” That is what I must remember every time I don’t feel like doing something.
What is your “why”? What is your driving force?
[reminder]What gets you motivated and taking action when you’d rather just stay in bed? [/reminder]
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